Conference programme

“Cultural diversity – an obstacle or an opportunity in shaping a cohesive society?”

14-15 November 2024 Hestia Hotel Europa (Tallinn)

Conference moderators Anna Pihl and Uljana Kuzmina

14 November 2024: On site and live-stream

On site and live-stream. Simultaneous translation (Estonian, Russian and English) will be available.

09.00 – 09.30 Welcome coffee

09.30 – 09.45 Opening words by Minister of Culture, Heidy Purga and director of the Integration Foundation, Dmitri Moskovtsev

09.45 – 11.15 Discussion: Cultural diversity – the life jacket for democracy?

The discussion will evolve around the challenges Western democracies are currently facing – including polarization and fragmentation of societies based on ethnicities, religion, conservative or liberal worldview and other dividers, and what opportunities for preventing or alleviating these challenges can provide the lessons learned from policy and practice supporting cultural diversity and social cohesion.


  • Dr Agnese Cimdina, Head of Diversity & Inclusion practice in the Baltics, PwC Latvia
  • Dmitri Teperik, National Centre of Defence & Security Awareness
  • Dainius Babilas, Department of National Minorities, Lithuanian Government

Moderator: Anna Pihl, Journalist of the Estonian Public Broadcast

11.15 – 11.20 Welcome remarks by the U.S. Ambassador to Estonia Mr George P. Kent

11.20 – 12.00 Fireside chat with JJ Green, national security correspondent at WTOP, Washington USA: Cultural diversity and migration, conflicts and peace – observations from the USA and the world. Moderator Neeme Raud

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 13.10 Cultural diversity in numbers: Terje Trasberg, Estonian Department of Statistics

13.10 – 14.30 Political debate of Estonian parliamentary parties

Participants in the debate:

  • Tõnis Lukas (Isamaa)
  • Juku-Kalle Raid (Estonia 200)
  • Vadim Belobrovtsev (Estonian Centre Party)
  • Mart Kallas (Estonian Conservative People’s Party)
  • Maria Jufereva-Skuratovski (Estonian Reform Party)
  • ­Raimond Kaljulaid (Social Democratic Party)

14.30 – 14.45 Pavol Kosnáč, director of the DEKK Institute in Bratislava, Principal Investigator of World Value Survey in Slovakia

14.45 – 15.10 Coffee break

15.10 – 15.50 Keynote by Prof. Marju Lauristin – Societal cohesion and various dimensions of integration

15.50 – 17.20 Discussion: Information space, culture space, values space – how to bridge them in era of digital bubbles?  

Global world and digital information space make it easy, with just a few clicks, to reach out to people who share your ideas and values. The more difficult it becomes to step out from the “bubble” and find a common language with people next door. It becomes especially hard if the surrounding context is diverse, and overwhelming information flows make it difficult to distinguish between reliable info and disinformation, aimed at feeding fears and prejudice, to divide societies into “us” vs “them”.


  • Prof. Bridget Kendall MBE Hon FBA, University of Cambridge
  • Prof. Maria Murumaa-Mengel, University of Tartu
  • Dr Solvita Denisa-Liepniece, IREX, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
  • Claudia Schröter, producer for “Turning tables” PÖFF

Moderator: Petr Potchinchtchikov, Musician, Cultural producer, Entrepreneur

17.20 – 17.30 Closing the day

18.00 Evening program in cooperation with PÖFF Festival

15 November 2024: On-site only and Chatham House

When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. Simultaneous translation (Estonian, Russian and English) will be available.

09.00 – 09.30 Morning coffee

09.30 – 09.50 Opening of the day. Annika Sandlund, UNHCR representative in the Nordic and Baltic countries

09.50 – 10.30 Keynote by Dr Katy Radford MBE “The Art of social cohesion – A Northern Ireland perspective.”

10.30 – 12.00 Chatham House discussion: Radicalization – modern plague of democracies, or a lesson we need to learn?

Radicalization is increasingly finding its way into media headlines, troubling even those societies that until as little as a decade ago might have been an example of peace and cohesion. What are the main drivers for radicalization, what are their early warning signs – and what lessons do we as society need to learn, to prevent its’ spread in our homes?


  • Dr Arnold Sinisalu former Head of Estonian Internal Security Service
  • Prof Göran Larsson University of Gothenburg
  • Steffen Nielsen Aarhus City Police
  • Dr Justin Lane CulturePulse, Inc.

Moderator: Dr Heidi Maiberg, Ministry of Internal Affairs; Royal Holloway, University of London

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 14.30 Practical workshops

Workshop 1: Diversity competence: from individual to organisational growth by Dr Agnese Cimdina

See workshop description

In the context of today’s competition and sustainability challenges, diversification of knowledge and perspective is crucial. Organizations tend to view Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) as a competitive advantage, as a cornerstone of social responsibility, as an anti-discrimination measure and legal compliance, and as a necessity for business growth, brand reputation, and recruitment. Yet the key to success in achieving these goals is not diversity as such, but rather diversity competence and successful diversity management. If you want to understand the essence of diversity competence and how to navigate the D&I landscape successfully, this workshop is for you.

Workshop 2: Global media monitoring and AI for forecasting societal cohesion by Dr Justin Lane, CulturePulse AI

See workshop description

The workshop will showcase the innovative AI-based technology that creates psychologically realistic digital twins of any society or specific target group, so you can test new strategies without risk and analyze global news streams so you can quickly turn insight into action predicting likely outcomes. This technology has already been applied for analyzing societal processes and predicting possible developments in such contexts as for example Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel/Palestine. The workshop will explore the insights one can get from linking forecasting models with real time media monitoring. CulturePulse AI can also provide free access to the AI for any workshop participants for a few days.

Workshop 3: The Grass Roots and Immersive Art-ivism. Dr Katy Radford MBE, Chair of the Northern Ireland Committee of The British Council, United Kingdom

See workshop description

The workshop will explore the strengths and challenges of community-development projects with artistic outputs and social cohesion outcomes for minority and majority communities, including those which participants have experienced or led.

Participants profile: NGOs, students, teachers, creative policy makers.

NB! The workshop will take place in the main hall of the conference. Simultaneous translation (Estonian, English and Russian) will be available.

14.30 – 14.50 Coffee break

14.50 – 16.20 Chatham House discussion: “Year of elections” in Europe and USA – what it brings for societal cohesion?

In this discussion we look at the results of recent elections in the USA as well as 2024 elections of the European Parliament, what trends appear and how they might shape our reality in years to come. In this context, we pay attention to the role of migration topic in the elections – and what it may mean for societal cohesion.


  • JJ Green, WTOP news
  • Annika Sandlund, UNHCR representative in the Nordic and Baltic countries
  • Dr Mari-Liis Jakobson, Tallinn University
  • Klen Jäärats, EstDev

Moderator: Birgit Lüüs-Jakobs, Estonian Government Office

16.20 – 16.30 Closing of the conference

Russian minorities and Russian migrants – integration challenges and perspectives in Estonia and Norway

This workshop will present the results of research cooperation project between Tallinn University in Estonia and Bergen University in Norway. Results bring out the differences in integration context in the two countries – Estonia and Norway, and the relation with integration and acculturation attitudes of Russian minorities.

Prof. Raivo Vetik, Tallinn University, Estonia
Prof. David Lackland Sam, Bergen University, Norway
Marianna Makarova, Tallinn University / Integration and Migration Foundation Our People, Estonia

Radicalisation – responsibility of immigrants or local community members?

What kind of local communities tend to radicalise more? Is Estonian society open for a new behavioural and belief system, which could prevent radicalisation and various violence occurrences? In this workshop, we take a look at two target groups, local community and immigrants’ attitude, and discuss how on one hand the ability of local population to accept new and sometimes unusual behavioural models, and on the other hand immigrants’ readiness to make changes in their habits to accept Estonians lifestyle, influence the likelihood of radicalisation. The main focus is on preventing radicalisation.

Prof. Ringo Ringvee, Ministry of Interior
Mai Beilmann, Tartu University
Prof. Shamit Saggar, Essex University
Linda Noor, Minotenk
Alo Raun, Eesti Päevaleht, Estonia

Culture, identity and multiculturalism

Presentations of this workshops will explore such questions as culture, multiculturalism and interculturality, local and regional identity, history and their role and importance in the context of integration.

Petr Potchinshtshikov, Art Promotion Center, Finland
David Edwards, Glasgow University, UK
Marianne Leppik, Tartu University, Estonia
Chair: Prof. David J Smith, University of Glasgow

Segregation at Estonian labour market – challenges and opportunities

The discussion in this workshop evolves around the recently conducted meta-analysis of studies on ethnic segregation in Estonian labour market. This analysis has combined results from different research projects conducted in Estonia during the last decades. Experts from various organisations in Estonia will join to discuss the developments and trends in Estonian labour market, with a focus on ethnic segregation.

Kristjan Kaldur, Institute of Baltic Studies, Estonia
Marta Traks, Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, Estonia
Kelly Grossthal, Human Rights Centre, Estonia

Memory Conflicts in History Lessons

The aim of this workshop is to analyze the ways of addressing the themes that may evoke strong emotional reactions, or may be strongly intertwined with national identity. We discuss different methods of teaching history in the school, especially in the multi-national class. The workshop is meant to study issues of historical memory and public history, in particular, what role may history lessons play in the conflict resolution in the multicultural societies? How to deal with situations in society where there are different histories? Are history lessons meant to educate patriots or citizens?

Timur Guzairov, University of Tartu, Estonia
Merit Rikberg, University of Tartu, Estonia

How to develop intercultural competence through non-formal learning methods?

Practical examples of games and non-formal learning methods aimed at language learning for children and adults.
Group size limit: 30 people.

Aleksei Razin, GameClub, Estonia

Inclusive leadership to support diversity in education sector

It is increasingly important for all organisations to be diverse and inclusive. But what does this actually mean, and how might organisations becoming more inclusive. One of the great challenges facing an organization is getting all employees to develop the competence and confidence to embrace its diversity. This workshop will provide opportunity for participants to develop understanding of diversity competence and the importance of inclusive leadership by all members of an organisation.

Prof Uduak Archibong, University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Prof Nazira Karodia, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Vene vähemused ja vene migrantrahvastik – lõimumise väljakutsed ja perspektiivid Eestis ja Norras

Antud töötoas esitletakse Tallinna ülikooli ja Norra Bergeni ülikooli teaduskoostööprojekti tulemusi. Tulemused kajastavad lõimumisega seotud erinevusi kahes riigis – Eestis ja Norras, ja nende seoseid vene vähemuste lõimumise ja kultuurilise kohanemise hoiakute kujunemisega.

Prof. Raivo Vetik, Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti
Prof. David Lackland Sam
, Bergeni Ülikool, Norra
Marianna Makarova, Tallinna Ülikool / Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutus Meie Inimesed, Eesti

Radikaliseerumine – immigrantide või kohaliku kogukonna liikmete vastutus?

Millised kohalikud kogukonnad kipuvad rohkem radikaliseeruma? Kas Eesti ühiskond on avatud uuele käitumis- ja ususüsteemile, mis võiks ära hoida radikaliseerumist ning vägivallailminguid? Antud töötoas vaatleme kahe sihtrühma, kohaliku kogukonna ja sisserändajate suhtumist. Arutame, kuidas ühest küljest kohaliku elanikkonna võime aktsepteerida uusi ja mõnikord tavatuid käitumismudeleid ning teisest küljest sisserändajate valmisolek muuta oma kombeid, et aktsepteerida eestlaste elustiili, mõjutavad radikaliseerumise tõenäosust. Tähelepanu keskmes on radikaliseerumise ärahoidmine.

Ringo Ringvee, Siseministeerium
Mai Beilmann, Tartu Ülikool
Shamit Saggar, Essex’i Ülikool
Linda Noor, Minotenk
Alo Raun, Eesti Päevaleht, Eesti

Kultuur, identiteet ja mitmekultuurilisus

Antud töötoa esitlustes käsitletakse selliseid teemasid nagu kultuur, mitmekultuurilisus ja kultuuridevahelisus, kohalik ning piirkondlik identiteet, ajalugu ja nende roll ning tähtsus lõimumise kontekstis.

Petr Potchinshtshikov, Art Promotion Center, Soome
David Edwards, Glasgow Ülikool, Suurbritannia
Marianne Leppik, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti
Chair: Prof. David J Smith, Glasgow Ülikool

Eesti tööturu rahvuslik ja keeleline jaotus – väljakutsed ja võimalused

Antud töötoa arutelus keskendutakse hiljuti tehtud analüüsile, mis keskendus viimastel aastatel avaldatud Eesti tööturu uurimisprojektide kohta. Eesmärk on teha kindlaks peamised suundumused ja arengusuunad seoses rahvusliku jaotumisega Eesti tööturul. Selle analüüsi tulemuste aruteluga ühinevad Eesti erinevate organisatsioonide eksperdid.

Kristjan Kaldur, Balti Uuringute Instituut, Eesti
Marta Traks, Eesti Töötukassa, Eesti
Kelly Grossthal, Inimõiguste Keskus, Eesti

Mälu konfliktid ajalootundides

Antud töötoa eesmärk on analüüsida, kuidas käsitletakse teemasid, mis võivad tekitada väga tugevat emotsionaalset reaktsiooni või olla rahvusliku identiteediga tihedalt põimunud. Arutleme ajaloo õpetamise eri meetodeid koolis, eriti eri rahvusest õpilastega klassis. Eesmärk on uurida ajaloolise mälu ja rahva ajaloo küsimusi ning eelkõige seda, kuidas saab ajalootundide abil lahendada konflikte mitmekultuurilises ühiskonnas. Kuidas toimida eri olukordades ühiskonnas, kus on erinevad ajalood? Kas ajalootundides tuleks kasvatada patrioote või kodanikke?

Timur Guzairov, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti
Merit Rikberg, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti

Kuidas arendada mitmekultuurilist kompetentsi mitteformaalse õppe meetodite abil?

Interaktiivne töötuba pakub praktilisi näiteid laste ja täiskasvanute keeleõppeks kasutatavate mängude ja mitteformaalsete õppemeetodite kohta.

Aleksei Razin, GameClub, Eesti

Kaasav juhtimine toetamas mitmekesisust haridussektoris

Aina tähtsam on muutumas organisatsioonide võimekus olla mitmekesised ja kaasavad. Aga mida see tegelikult tähendab ja kuidas saavad organisatsioonid muutuda kaasavamaks? Üks peamisi katsumusi, mis organisatsiooni ees seisab, on arendada kõikide töötajate pädevust ja suurendada kindlustunnet, et võtta omaks organisatsiooni mitmekesisus. See töötuba pakub osalejatele võimalust arendada arusaamist mitmekesisusega seotud pädevusest ja sellest, kui tähtis on kõikide organisatsiooni liikmete kaasav juhtimine.

Prof. Uduak Archibong, Bradfordi Ülikool, Suurbritannia
Prof. Nazira Karodia, Wolverhamptoni Ülikool, Suurbritannia