Teine arutelu: Sõjapõgenike integreerimine: teaduslik lähenemine vs. praktika
Gina Balsiger „Ukraina sõjapõgenike sotsiaalne integratsioon Šveitsis 2022. aasta märtsist: struktuursed probleemid, kasutamata võimalused ja lahendusteed“
Patrick Kotzur „Rühmadevaheline kontakt pagulastega kujundab kuritegevuse ees tuntavat sotsiaalset hirmu“
James Laurence „Koos ja lahus: eelarvamuste ja sotsiaalse ühtekuuluvuse dünaamika etnilise mitmekesisuse ja elukohapõhise segregatsiooni ristumiskohas“
Karin Torpan “Hiljuti saabunud sisserändajate elukoha liikuvus: millised on madala sissetulekuga linnaosadest ja üürisektorist väljumise strateegiad?”
Paneel „Segregatsioon hariduses“
Ettekanded ja paneelarutelu teemal „Segregatsioon hariduses“
Richard Gale „Paindumatu järjepidevus: Ühendkuningriigi etnilis-usuline segregatsioon ja ruumiline transformatsioon kriitilise rassiteooria vaatenurgast“
Keit Spiegel „Eestlased välismaal on Eesti ühiskonna osa“
Andrii Rybas „Välismaalase töö Eestis. Teooria ja isiklik kogemus“
Panel 1: Media Use, Communicative Practices, Public Discourse, and Their Influence on Integration
Külliki Seppel “How Many Media Spaces Are We Living in? Changes in the Media Use and Information Fields of Estonian Residents Based on 20 Years of Data from Integration Monitoring”
Elin Thordardottir Multilingual adolescents in two distinct language environments: Effects of exposure, utility, language policy, identity and attitudes
Panel 5: “The influence of media on integration and how to cope with it?”
Debate of representatives of different political parties in Estonia; Jevgeni Ossinovski (Social Democratic Party), Mihhail Kõlvart (Estonian Centre Party), Viktoria Ladõnskaja-Kubits (Isamaa), Laine Randjärv (Estonian Reform Party), Neeme Kuningas (Estonian Free Party), Züleyxa Izmailova (Estonian Greens), Helen Lemming (Biodiversity Party), Kristina Kallas (Estonia 200)
Tereza Freidingerova Ph.D. The empowerment of youth: a tool to improve the relationship between majority and minority and strengthen the cohesion of the society
Follow-up discussion: Multicultural and multilingual education supporting integration and cohesion – what defines the thin line between success and failure
Panel 3: Popular culture as an instrument of shared identity-building – finding the balance between retaining cultural identity and supporting diversity
Dr. Marco Martiniello The slow emergence of a post-racial generation and cultural policies
Follow-up discussion: Popular culture as an instrument of shared identity-building – finding the balance between retaining cultural identity and supporting diversity
Panel 4: Integrating Estonia: “Still so much to do, places to visit, people to integrate”
Debate of representatives of major political parties in Estonia: Jevgeni Ossinovski (Social Democratic Party), Mihhail Kõlvart (Center Party), Yoko Alender (Estonian Reform Party), Viktoria Ladõnskaja (Pro Patria and Res Publica Union) and Martin Helme (Conservative People’s Party of Estonia).
Dr. Agnese Hermane, Dr. Egge Kulbok-Lattik, Marianna Makarova Cultural and sports mega events – what is their role for identity-building and cultural inclusion?
Panel 1: Radicalization – inevitability or call for action?
Given the changing context of the refugee crisis, increased economic instability, and rise of right-wing discourse; what are the key challenges for ensuring cohesion in increasingly diverse societies? How does increasing migration influence relations between existing cultural and ethnic groups? What are the main drivers of radicalization and how can we as individuals or as part of the society as a whole, prevent politics of fear and polarization from weakening our societies? What are the lessons learned of effective prevention and combating of radicalization?
Prof. Shamit Saggar Sympathy for terrorism: inspecting the evidence
Panel 2: Culture, religion, history, language – what determines whether these factors divide or enrich societies?
How to reach or maintain unity in the context of historically, culturally, religiously and linguistically diverse societies. What is the role of national identity and identities of minority groups? How should the state interact with people who are seeking for autonomous identity, and with marginalised groups? Research insights on acculturation of Turkish minority in Germany. Policy and program implications from research of Mutual Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies.
Panel 3: What are the benefits and challenges of diversity and inclusion in the labor market?
The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace is changing. This is primarily due to rapid technological advancements, globalization, immigration, increased demand for skills and education, and in part because of the worldwide effects of an ageing workforce. Globalization also seems to bring common phenomena with it—one of which is migrants being segmented to the darkest sides of the labor market. What are the main drivers of ethnic segregation in the labor market, what are the effective means and best practices of overcoming them? What are the roles and benefits for various stakeholders?
Prof. Uduak Archibong MBE Leadership role in promoting diversity and non-discriminating workplaces
Panel 4: The role of civil society in supporting diversity at grass-root level
What is the role of civil society in supporting integration in the society? When does diversity become a challenge? What part does it play in facilitating cooperation of different stakeholders – the state, local municipalities, private enterprises, individuals – for the benefit of common goal? What are the examples of initiatives efficiently resolving problems and addressing acute needs?
Prof. Mikko Lagerspetz Civil Society, Diversity and Civility
Mr. Mads Nygaard How did an old storage room and the people in it turn into the fastest growing movement in Denmark completely changing the landscape of integration?
Panel 5: Cultural diversity and cultural learning in education
What impact is increasing cultural diversity having on the education system? What are some of the main challenges when addressing cultural and religious diversity in the education sector? What is the role of the education system in facilitating peaceful and inclusive intercultural relations in society? Studying together or studying apart? Pluses and minuses of Estonian current system of Russian and Estonian-language schools.
Dr. Katarina Norberg Intercultural Education in Turbulent Times. Challenges and possibilities
Russian minorities and Russian migrants – integration challenges and perspectives in Estonia and Norway
This workshop will present the results of research cooperation project between Tallinn University in Estonia and Bergen University in Norway. Results bring out the differences in integration context in the two countries – Estonia and Norway, and the relation with integration and acculturation attitudes of Russian minorities.
Prof. Raivo Vetik, Tallinn University, Estonia Prof. David Lackland Sam, Bergen University, Norway Marianna Makarova, Tallinn University / Integration and Migration Foundation Our People, Estonia
Radicalisation – responsibility of immigrants or local community members?
What kind of local communities tend to radicalise more? Is Estonian society open for a new behavioural and belief system, which could prevent radicalisation and various violence occurrences? In this workshop, we take a look at two target groups, local community and immigrants’ attitude, and discuss how on one hand the ability of local population to accept new and sometimes unusual behavioural models, and on the other hand immigrants’ readiness to make changes in their habits to accept Estonians lifestyle, influence the likelihood of radicalisation. The main focus is on preventing radicalisation.
Prof. Ringo Ringvee, Ministry of Interior Mai Beilmann, Tartu University Prof. Shamit Saggar, Essex University Linda Noor, Minotenk Alo Raun, Eesti Päevaleht, Estonia
Culture, identity and multiculturalism
Presentations of this workshops will explore such questions as culture, multiculturalism and interculturality, local and regional identity, history and their role and importance in the context of integration.
Petr Potchinshtshikov, Art Promotion Center, Finland David Edwards, Glasgow University, UK Marianne Leppik, Tartu University, Estonia Chair: Prof. David J Smith, University of Glasgow
Segregation at Estonian labour market – challenges and opportunities
The discussion in this workshop evolves around the recently conducted meta-analysis of studies on ethnic segregation in Estonian labour market. This analysis has combined results from different research projects conducted in Estonia during the last decades. Experts from various organisations in Estonia will join to discuss the developments and trends in Estonian labour market, with a focus on ethnic segregation.
Kristjan Kaldur, Institute of Baltic Studies, Estonia Marta Traks, Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund, Estonia Kelly Grossthal, Human Rights Centre, Estonia
Memory Conflicts in History Lessons
The aim of this workshop is to analyze the ways of addressing the themes that may evoke strong emotional reactions, or may be strongly intertwined with national identity. We discuss different methods of teaching history in the school, especially in the multi-national class. The workshop is meant to study issues of historical memory and public history, in particular, what role may history lessons play in the conflict resolution in the multicultural societies? How to deal with situations in society where there are different histories? Are history lessons meant to educate patriots or citizens?
Timur Guzairov, University of Tartu, Estonia Merit Rikberg, University of Tartu, Estonia
How to develop intercultural competence through non-formal learning methods?
Practical examples of games and non-formal learning methods aimed at language learning for children and adults.
Group size limit: 30 people.
Aleksei Razin, GameClub, Estonia
Inclusive leadership to support diversity in education sector
It is increasingly important for all organisations to be diverse and inclusive. But what does this actually mean, and how might organisations becoming more inclusive. One of the great challenges facing an organization is getting all employees to develop the competence and confidence to embrace its diversity. This workshop will provide opportunity for participants to develop understanding of diversity competence and the importance of inclusive leadership by all members of an organisation.
Prof Uduak Archibong, University of Bradford, United Kingdom Prof Nazira Karodia, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Vene vähemused ja vene migrantrahvastik – lõimumise väljakutsed ja perspektiivid Eestis ja Norras
Antud töötoas esitletakse Tallinna ülikooli ja Norra Bergeni ülikooli teaduskoostööprojekti tulemusi. Tulemused kajastavad lõimumisega seotud erinevusi kahes riigis – Eestis ja Norras, ja nende seoseid vene vähemuste lõimumise ja kultuurilise kohanemise hoiakute kujunemisega.
Prof. Raivo Vetik, Tallinna Ülikool, Eesti Prof. David Lackland Sam, Bergeni Ülikool, Norra Marianna Makarova, Tallinna Ülikool / Integratsiooni ja Migratsiooni Sihtasutus Meie Inimesed, Eesti
Radikaliseerumine – immigrantide või kohaliku kogukonna liikmete vastutus?
Millised kohalikud kogukonnad kipuvad rohkem radikaliseeruma? Kas Eesti ühiskond on avatud uuele käitumis- ja ususüsteemile, mis võiks ära hoida radikaliseerumist ning vägivallailminguid? Antud töötoas vaatleme kahe sihtrühma, kohaliku kogukonna ja sisserändajate suhtumist. Arutame, kuidas ühest küljest kohaliku elanikkonna võime aktsepteerida uusi ja mõnikord tavatuid käitumismudeleid ning teisest küljest sisserändajate valmisolek muuta oma kombeid, et aktsepteerida eestlaste elustiili, mõjutavad radikaliseerumise tõenäosust. Tähelepanu keskmes on radikaliseerumise ärahoidmine.
Ringo Ringvee, Siseministeerium Mai Beilmann, Tartu Ülikool Shamit Saggar, Essex’i Ülikool Linda Noor, Minotenk Alo Raun, Eesti Päevaleht, Eesti
Kultuur, identiteet ja mitmekultuurilisus
Antud töötoa esitlustes käsitletakse selliseid teemasid nagu kultuur, mitmekultuurilisus ja kultuuridevahelisus, kohalik ning piirkondlik identiteet, ajalugu ja nende roll ning tähtsus lõimumise kontekstis.
Petr Potchinshtshikov, Art Promotion Center, Soome David Edwards, Glasgow Ülikool, Suurbritannia Marianne Leppik, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti Chair: Prof. David J Smith, Glasgow Ülikool
Eesti tööturu rahvuslik ja keeleline jaotus – väljakutsed ja võimalused
Antud töötoa arutelus keskendutakse hiljuti tehtud analüüsile, mis keskendus viimastel aastatel avaldatud Eesti tööturu uurimisprojektide kohta. Eesmärk on teha kindlaks peamised suundumused ja arengusuunad seoses rahvusliku jaotumisega Eesti tööturul. Selle analüüsi tulemuste aruteluga ühinevad Eesti erinevate organisatsioonide eksperdid.
Kristjan Kaldur, Balti Uuringute Instituut, Eesti Marta Traks, Eesti Töötukassa, Eesti Kelly Grossthal, Inimõiguste Keskus, Eesti
Mälu konfliktid ajalootundides
Antud töötoa eesmärk on analüüsida, kuidas käsitletakse teemasid, mis võivad tekitada väga tugevat emotsionaalset reaktsiooni või olla rahvusliku identiteediga tihedalt põimunud. Arutleme ajaloo õpetamise eri meetodeid koolis, eriti eri rahvusest õpilastega klassis. Eesmärk on uurida ajaloolise mälu ja rahva ajaloo küsimusi ning eelkõige seda, kuidas saab ajalootundide abil lahendada konflikte mitmekultuurilises ühiskonnas. Kuidas toimida eri olukordades ühiskonnas, kus on erinevad ajalood? Kas ajalootundides tuleks kasvatada patrioote või kodanikke?
Timur Guzairov, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti Merit Rikberg, Tartu Ülikool, Eesti
Kuidas arendada mitmekultuurilist kompetentsi mitteformaalse õppe meetodite abil?
Interaktiivne töötuba pakub praktilisi näiteid laste ja täiskasvanute keeleõppeks kasutatavate mängude ja mitteformaalsete õppemeetodite kohta.
Aina tähtsam on muutumas organisatsioonide võimekus olla mitmekesised ja kaasavad. Aga mida see tegelikult tähendab ja kuidas saavad organisatsioonid muutuda kaasavamaks? Üks peamisi katsumusi, mis organisatsiooni ees seisab, on arendada kõikide töötajate pädevust ja suurendada kindlustunnet, et võtta omaks organisatsiooni mitmekesisus. See töötuba pakub osalejatele võimalust arendada arusaamist mitmekesisusega seotud pädevusest ja sellest, kui tähtis on kõikide organisatsiooni liikmete kaasav juhtimine.
Prof. Uduak Archibong, Bradfordi Ülikool, Suurbritannia Prof. Nazira Karodia, Wolverhamptoni Ülikool, Suurbritannia